Sunday, March 18, 2007

Drama- Liking the Same Person
The following is obviously written from a female perspective but I assume the same would apply for men.

At some point or another it seems inevitable that two or more friends will have an infatuation with the same person. So what is to be done about the shared crush? When a situation like this occurs it is best to let it play out naturally. It is not really fair to either person to call a guy "off limits" because no one ends up happy. The most important guideline in a situation like this is to not let the guy come between the friendship. Blood is thicker than water, and in this circumstance your friend is your blood, they have been there for you and will continue to be there for you where as guys may be a bit more mercurial.

In addition, it is impossible to fool one's heart. Regardless of how hard one might try to, the heart will always reign supreme, so by calling a guy who you still have feelings for, "off limits" the problem is anything but fixed. A shared crush really should have little bearing on a friendship, unless it was not very strong to begin with. Times like these are great for examining the true depth of one's friendship.

If your friend gets asked out by the guy you both like is it really fair to be angry? If it were you in their position would you not be overcome with joy? To want to ruin that feeling for a friend is anything but a display of true friendship. The best advice I can offer is to play it by air but always remember your friends have been and will be there for you and to not to throw a good friendship down the drain just for a silly guy.


At 4/04/2007 11:22 AM, Blogger Richard Day said...

haha sounds familiar doesnt it?? lol


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